Thursday, May 9, 2024


 I know the danger now,

of letting things flow, 

fingers stretched and grasping

holding, stretching, molding, yes


pouring thick as syrup from my veins

a taffy I can work like clay

a solid stream of thought

play, words, lands, people, yes


I can fill the room around me

craft my own palace, fill it

fill my world with everything, anything

all of it, any of it, many, few, yes


I can't move fast enough to catch it all

it comes as often as breath, heart beat, blinking

I beg for it not to stop, of course

why, please, never stop, I need it, yes


Oh, but folly is not seen until its up to the eyes

my palace submerged, my lands sinking

everything, anything, still pouring out

out, out, out, out, out, yes


I will drown in this, my thoughts

imaginings of more wonderful things

what I can't have, what does not exist

not real, can't be real, oh I wish it to be real, yes


and when my air is full of this clotted stuff

beauty warped by pressure, space, clumsy fingers

tired fingers, ever molding, with no one to see

please, watch, read, listen, see? yes


perhaps then I will die covered here, content

buried in things I love, created to be shared

up to my eyes, my ears, nose, golden, honey sweet


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