Disclaimer: I've had a rough few weeks.
Everybody has.
But sometimes I feel like there's fire behind my eyes.
I'm hormonal.
Sometimes I look at myself in the mirror and I hate what I see.
I wonder about my life.
An army of 'what-ifs' marches in my veins.
I'm just worried about money,
And politics that I don't understand.
And my health sometimes, when I remember to.
So don't mind me
When I pondor my significance, hurl unfinished papers in the trash, and push another dream to the side.
My problems are no big deal in the scheme of things.
I'm not suffering half as bad as others suffer.
And don't worry.
I already know but I'm just a tiny Speck of sand in the universe.
So compared to the size of a speck of sand my tears barely make a raindrop.
I'm just Moody.
I have nothing to complain about.
I'll be fine.