Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Religious Experience

Perhaps 'Religious' is the wrong term. However, I feel I should explain before giving a reason why I would think so.

I saw a movie. Like many, many other people that contributed to the gross profit of the film. You may have heard of it: 'Avatar'.

I began by pulling on the rediculous 3D glasses and settling back in my center row seat. I gently pulled in some cherry coke from the gigantic cup beside me and allowed the chill of the ice-cold beverage to soothe my overheating body, crowded in among my family and strangers alike. The vision of flight was the first thing I saw in full emersion of the digital experience, and immediately I was won over.

It helps that my very first and very strongest wish was to have the ability to fly.

The film was long, but not Lord of the Rings redundant. There were no multiple endings - only one, the only one there could be. The linguistics were creative and wonderfully crafted, and the people (blue or not) felt as real as if I were at a staged production. And the part that sent my head spinning into the other world of Pandora was the story itself.

I was engaged. I was thrust head first into the warp-drive of my own imagination, and I rode the wave of the creative high that immediately followed. Not only did I marvel at the creatures and ideas that had spilled from the mind of James Cameron, but I too felt a stirring of creativity. A drive to continue the works that I had long since ground to a halt in my own self-depreciating mood-swings. I felt the need to show people my own visions as Cameron had shown me his. I want the world to dive deep into my own stories, and love the characters as much as I do, as much as Cameron's arrow of devotion killed me for his characters.

I was full to bursting, and even now I revel in the soft, sweet lingering afterglow of the inspiration. And with this energy I will pull back into this existance my New Years Resolution - one of the many unspoken desires - to keep writing. Finish my updates. Flesh out my skeletal stories and breathe life into flat, static characters.

So a religious experience? Perhaps in part. Perhaps the divinity of the experience as a whole could drive me to worship. I could thank the Supreme Being Above for minds as glimmering and faceted as James Camerons. I could thank them for the effect it had on me, the emotional uplift I was gifted.

But in truth - I think it more of a Spiritual experience. It was no God that granted me this feeling - it was a man. A man and his ideas shot lightning through my system, kicked my gears into creaking and sputtering into life. Only a man thought of these ideas and these stories and languages and places and visions and people. And those people effected me. And it is my faith in the miraculous minds of others and in the tiniest part, myself, that inspired me. And the spirit of this film, and the emotions driven behind it are what lights my mind today.

Thus ends my movie review. :)


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