Friday, April 9, 2010


Yesterday was a big day. We lounged and slept in our appartment for the very first time. As my brother and my love sat and discussed square feet of paintable surfaces, I took a (very) brightly colored feather duster to the cob-webbed corners of the place. As I ran it's feathery edges along the horrific peachy surface, My love stood to help me reach a corner. And when he did so, he noticed something, that in turn drew my eye.

A tiny bracelet dangled on the corner of our window. A bit of white twine and 7 little white beads, each adorned with a colored letter. We looked at it carefully a moment, and we both smiled in unison. Then we turned in unison and regarded each other with knowing eyes.

"I think we should leave it there," said my love with a smirk.

Grinning, as I had been, I merely nodded, and he looped the tiny bit of twine back onto the corner of the window, where it dangled in a way that the letters could easily be seen, were one to investigate the 7 letter word.

We both appreciated the little bit of magic in the situation. First night in our own place, making our decisions together, and to compliment that? Finding a charm bracelet that read "Freedom", waiting for us to find it.


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